Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It is important to find the packaging supplies that work for you

With the changing of our new economy and our views on eCommerce happening we are all changing.  My life has made some big changes due to the housing market and now I am a homeowner and not an apartment dweller in the city. I never thought in my entire life I would have a conversation about tape or mowing the lawn, but owning a home certainly changes things.  My family decided to move out of the city and get home in the suburbs and since then I have learned more about packaging and shipping supplies than I ever imagined I would.  Honestly, no one ever says that you are going to buy 15 different kinds of tape in the course of a year and find a different use for each one.  It has been fun to live in 2021 with all the opportunities happening even with the lockdowns.

What blows me away is our dependence on small items.  I have found that packing tape and duct tape are an item that I keep going out and buying more of.   It really does matter though and by purchasing the correct tape the first time can save you, time, money, and sanity.  The most important part that we have found as we are working on our house is that time matters more.  So if you have to go to the store to get painter's tape and it turns out to be the wrong one or a brand that doesn't work then the time wasted means the project doesn't get done.  That is more important than anything and as we have seen makes it all worth it.  Brands are not all the same and sometimes it is worth getting the best brand. 

One of my favorite brands of tape is 3m.  I first bought them for moving into my new home because I just always had purchased it in the past or my family did.   It held off paint and was a great way to organize marking on different things.  The tape was so useful and we went through it rather fast.  The next time we got more tape was at the dollar store.  I was pretty sure that it didn't matter at the time.  But when we got home we ended up using it for tons of different projects.  It ended up being much harder to peel off and super hard to tear.  The real issue was that it took twice as long to use and then we found out it didn't block paint.  All the time spent only caused damage and was a waste.  What an insane and annoying thing.  This solidified that 3m was the only brand for me.

If you buy shipping supplies like all the different types at once you can save a lot of money if you buy in bulk.  We picked up our duct tape and painter's tape as well as tons of packing tape for a very long time.  The large purchase allowed us to get discounts and that helps offset the top brand pricing and in the end, it saves us time which keeps us sain.  So don't let the cheap price fool you.  It is sometimes worth just paying a little more for the best option, but if you buy in bulk the price gets close to the cheapest brand. 

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