Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Best Ways to reduce Packaging Costs

In a world where inflation is on the rise, lots of companies are looking to save money for everyone. The global supply chain is going through a lot though, so it’s hard to figure out how to save money. Is there any simple way? Yes there is, and we’ll go over how you can start saving money by changing the packaging costs today! 

Choose correct Packaging 

One of the easiest ways to reduce prices is to change the container used. There are so many different types of packaging out there, and usually, you can choose the correct forms of packaging which will help you, including glass, paperboard, metal, and even plastic and so much more. You want to look at all of the options, including rigid and flexible packaging for you to use, and you should look for containers that use less resources for you to use, that still gets the job done. Flexible pouches are becoming an alternative to glass packaging, since it will indeed not only save you money in manufacturing, but also because it’s lighter, so not as expensive when it comes to shipping. Mostly, the lighter the container tends to be, the less expensive your shipping costs are. Plus, you’re taking out the problem of fragility when you use flexible pouches. It also is safer, so if there is a chance your stuff may fall, you don’t have to worry that glass will get everywhere. 

Lower the gauge 

Another way is to lower the gauge of the materials you’re using. If you use something that’s a little bit lower, it cuts costs, but also helps to lower the waste, and it even saves money for consumers too. For example, look at companies that use different containers that are cheaper than plastic for their items. They might use other different items that help with lowering the consumption of energy, the costs of shipping, and per package too. A lot of the times too, many companies do save thousands on their packaging by gauging the film of their products, allowing them to be packaged in ways that offer a better, lower gauge of film. 

It usually doesn’t require a lot of overhead in terms of machinery and cost. Plus, by switching to lower gauge, you can still have protection from the problem at hand, but also making sure that you make the changes necessary for your beneficial services. 

Go minimal 

Minimalist packaging is one of the best ways to package anything right now in this day and age. It’s also environmentally friendly too, and it does save you a ton of money in costs. Some companies do package their stuff with more waste than what’s necessary, and it takes time, money, along with resources, and those could be used in other ways.Minimalist packaging is where you reduce the package costs by having the bare minimum there. That doesn’t mean you’re not offering protection, but the cost is much cheaper, and it helps to save costs for everyone as well.

While this may not be for everyone, putting this in does help with making sure that the products do stand out, and also helps to reduce the “loudness” of the packaging. It’s not something for every brand especially if they take pride in it, but for those who do like it, this can be an option. There are tons of ways to reduce packaging costs, and you can, with this as well, and you can actually really help to lower the costs immediately, and to really improve the way things are too. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

It is important to find the packaging supplies that work for you

With the changing of our new economy and our views on eCommerce happening we are all changing.  My life has made some big changes due to the housing market and now I am a homeowner and not an apartment dweller in the city. I never thought in my entire life I would have a conversation about tape or mowing the lawn, but owning a home certainly changes things.  My family decided to move out of the city and get home in the suburbs and since then I have learned more about packaging and shipping supplies than I ever imagined I would.  Honestly, no one ever says that you are going to buy 15 different kinds of tape in the course of a year and find a different use for each one.  It has been fun to live in 2021 with all the opportunities happening even with the lockdowns.

What blows me away is our dependence on small items.  I have found that packing tape and duct tape are an item that I keep going out and buying more of.   It really does matter though and by purchasing the correct tape the first time can save you, time, money, and sanity.  The most important part that we have found as we are working on our house is that time matters more.  So if you have to go to the store to get painter's tape and it turns out to be the wrong one or a brand that doesn't work then the time wasted means the project doesn't get done.  That is more important than anything and as we have seen makes it all worth it.  Brands are not all the same and sometimes it is worth getting the best brand. 

One of my favorite brands of tape is 3m.  I first bought them for moving into my new home because I just always had purchased it in the past or my family did.   It held off paint and was a great way to organize marking on different things.  The tape was so useful and we went through it rather fast.  The next time we got more tape was at the dollar store.  I was pretty sure that it didn't matter at the time.  But when we got home we ended up using it for tons of different projects.  It ended up being much harder to peel off and super hard to tear.  The real issue was that it took twice as long to use and then we found out it didn't block paint.  All the time spent only caused damage and was a waste.  What an insane and annoying thing.  This solidified that 3m was the only brand for me.

If you buy shipping supplies like all the different types at once you can save a lot of money if you buy in bulk.  We picked up our duct tape and painter's tape as well as tons of packing tape for a very long time.  The large purchase allowed us to get discounts and that helps offset the top brand pricing and in the end, it saves us time which keeps us sain.  So don't let the cheap price fool you.  It is sometimes worth just paying a little more for the best option, but if you buy in bulk the price gets close to the cheapest brand. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Inflatable Packaging for Large Items

Packaging offers a lot of benefits, including cushioning for items whenever they are in transit. This cushioning is going to move the item from place to place, and it can be good for ensuring that these items make it to their destination. 

Here, we’ll go over how inflatable packaging for large items works, and also what you can do to make inflatable packaging a possibility for your endeavors as well. 

Applications of inflatable packaging 

There’s a lot of applications for this type of packaging, but most of all, it’s great for shipping big items. 

Furniture is one of them.   Sometimes furniture can be hard for shipment reasons. With inflatable packaging, you can get just this, and it will offer a unique, immersive experience that will ensure that all of the parts make it.

Appliances are another.   With the cushioning around appliances, it will keep everything in its rightful place.

It also works wonders for fragile goods and items. If you have expensive China for example that may break down with one small jostle, inflatable packaging keeps it away from those hot areas, so it gets to the customers faster. 

Overall, if you have anything big or breakable, this is the best course of action for your packaging needs. 

The features of this packaging 

With inflatable packaging, you manage to make items that are lightweight. These items are very easy to move about, without much issue.

Self-sealing valves are another. These valves will open and close, depending on the type of item that’s stored inside. It works wonders for keeping everything in its rightful place.

You can also adjust this inflation, so that it stays at the appropriate levels. Again, good for adjusting and mastering the packaging as provided, so that you’re able to get this properly aligned for the transportation process.

It also may involve having the inflation areas around the packaging, so that it doesn’t break down or the quality of the item suffers as a result of these actions. 

Why use Inflatable Packaging 

Inflatable packaging is great because it works to help reduce the storage space. This saves a lot of time and money, and allows you to hold onto many more resources. Again, it’s perfect for ensuring that you have all of the items in the right place.

The other one is that it also saves money on shipping weight.   Shipping weight eats up a lot of the costs, so being able to ensure that the packaging doesn’t create this problem is important. Again, with inflatable packaging, you’re able to use the right amount of packaging weight, without much trouble. 

The future Trends 

There’s a lot of fun, future trends for this type of packaging.

Reusable inflatable packaging is one common example. This inflatable design is used again and again, and works well if you’re struggling to get the right packaging in place.

You can also get it with customized branding. That means, when you ship it out, people see the packaging, and then the brand name right there. it works well as an identification aspect, and also will be good to reel in even more customers. 

Overall, with so many different future packaging trends, inflatable packaging is a trend in and of itself, so it is something that you should consider. 

Having inflatable packaging means that you’re able to give those items that you love cushioning, and also will be adjusted as needed in order to get to the right levels.   You owe it to yourself to have this type of packaging, especially if you’re shipping out heavy items that need some love.